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How To.

HowTo guides tagged with Checklist

Measuring Up To Your Move

A handy checklist of what to measure before you move house.

Smart Packing Tips for...

Sensible packing will make things much easier when you arrive at your new home. Follow our handy...

Countdown To Your Move: 1...

With around a week to go before you move you are probably feeling excited, stressed and just a...

Countdown To Your Move: 2...

With only a few weeks until you move, this can feel like the most stressful period. Don’t be...

Countdown To Your Move: 3...

In the last few weeks before your moving date it is a good idea to get prepared. The checklist...

Who To Contact When You...

When you move, as well as telling friends and family, there are many organisations you’ll need to...

Know Your New Build

From watching your new home grow from the foundations up, to making your selections, moving into...

In Your Early Days

You have just moved in and you’re already thinking about all the tasks you need to tackle in the...

Things To Remember When...

Moving can be stressful. Chances are you have to pack all your possessions and also remember to...