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Clear Plumbing Blockages

We can’t always avoid sink or toilet blockages and they’re never a pleasant issue to deal with. As with so many issues, prevention is better than cure! Make your life easier by using these simple tips.

2 minute read

To Minimise Blockages:

  • Never pour hot oil or grease down your sink, as it turns into a solid when it cools, which can block your pipes
  • Don’t flush anything down your toilet except toilet paper and items that state they can be flushed.  Common items that cause blockages are nappies, sanitary towels, food and medicines
  • Regularly remove hairs from plug holes
  • Use a plughole protector to prevent sink blockages

To Clear a Blockage:

  • In most cases, you can use a plunger to shift a blockage
  • If a plunger doesn’t work, try pouring a drain cleaning product or a mixture of ⅓ of a cup of vinegar and ⅓ cup of bicarbonate of soda down the sink to dissolve the blockage.  Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions on any drain cleaning product
  • If you try to remove a blockage from a sink by hand, please wear gloves to protect your hands and place a bucket under the sink trap.  Unscrew the trap, reach in and remove the blockage, then screw the trap back into place


*How To articles are intended as advice only. Please refer to your completion documents for specific information on lease and covenant restrictions and maintenance of your home.*