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Remove the Smell of Smoke in Your Home

Cigarette smell can seriously linger in your home and is unpleasant for most of us, especially if you’re a non-smoker. Follow our guide for eliminating the smoke from your home.

2 minute read

Air it Out

The first step is to properly ventilate any room in the house were someone may have been smoking. Open all of the windows and doors, and allow fresh, clean air to circulate for at least half an hour.

Clean it Up

The next step is to thoroughly clean all floors, and any fabric-based furnishings, as these are more likely to attract smoke. You can hire special floor cleaning machines which clean deeper than standard vacuums. If possible, remove all cushion casings and wash them on a high heat, and carefully wash curtains and drapes. Surprisingly, glass and mirrors can also attract a lot of cigarette smoke. Clean them with a simple solution of water and vinegar to help eliminate this issue.

Special Products

There are a number of special products on the market designed to hide unpleasant smells. Febreeze is a popular choice, and sprays such as Oust also rid bad smells. Take note that these products contain lots of synthetic chemicals, so a more natural alternative is to place clumps of charcoal in rooms which are affected. The charcoal helps to attract and absorb the smell of smoke.


Once you have ventilated and cleaned your house, you can try introducing a clean new scent to help the room smell beautiful again. Aromatherapy oils placed in a diffuser will really help to uplift the space. You can also try lighting all-natural, soy based candles to sweetly scent your home.