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Bacteria Hot Spots

All homes are full of hidden germs. We can't see them, but we come into contact with them every day. Have a look at the list below, to see whether you can combat these bacterial hot spots.

2 minute read

Toilet handle

Although we expect toilets to be full of germs, the amount of bacteria on the handle to your loo would astound you. Many of us don't think about it, because we wash our hands after flushing the toilet, but many people omit the toilet handle in their bathroom cleaning routine. Don't forget to wipe the handle with an antibacterial wipe, whenever you get the chance.

Television remote

Frequently used by the whole household, and with its multitude of buttons, your TV remote is guaranteed to be crawling with bacteria. Many people don't ever think about wiping it down. If you eat dinner on your lap, food particles are also likely to be found. Worst offenders are the television remote controls in hotel rooms - beware!


Whether it's your mobile or your house phone, the buttons and handsets are likely to rate highly on the bacteria count. Many people also use their mobile or tablet devices on the toilet (more common than many would admit!), but few people ever wipe the devices down and clean them as a matter of routine.

Door handles

You would expect bathroom door handles to harvest germs, but all handles around the home will rate pretty highly on the germ scale. Whilst preparing food in the kitchen, many people open cupboards, fridges or freezers. Food particles, including from raw meats, may transfer during this process. Internal and external doors, of all varieties, would benefit from regular antibacterial treatments, just due to day-to-day germ transition.