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Keep Your Utility Bills Under Control

You may have just received a utility bill and been left wondering how on earth it’s as expensive as it is. If that’s the case, we’ve put together a handy guide to help you beat down utility bills.

2 minute read

Pay Online

Even if you usually avoid doing things online, it’s probably worth making an exception to pay your utility bills – energy providers will usually give their online customers a better deal.

Direct Debits

By agreeing to a direct debit, you could save up to £100 a year.  If you use less than anticipated, the energy provider can adjust your tariff and make a quick saving.


Don’t let your energy provider set up an estimate amount for you.  Be sure to check your meters every few months to ensure that you’re not overpaying.


Turn the central heating down a little and you could save 10% off your energy bills.  Your home may not be as heated, but by wearing a jumper, you should stay just as warm.


Don’t leave the heating on when you’re not at home.  Make the most of the timer and set it to be precise.


Swapping standard lightbulbs for energy saving ones can save you over £50 on your bills each year.  They also last much longer than standard bulbs, so you will eventually save the original cost.


Unplug appliances such as your TV that have lights on, even in standby mode.


Closing your curtains in the evening or when no one is in stops the heat from escaping.  Draught blockers for doors are also a great way to keep heat inside your home.

Hot Water

Wash lightly soiled clothes on a 30°C setting and take a shower instead of filling a bath. Halving your shower time can save money throughout the year.