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How To Lay Decking

Laying a deck is much more straightforward than you might think, and it can add character to a garden and extend your living space. If you have ever wondered how you would even begin to lay your own decking, then this is all you will need to know.

2 minute read

Laying a deck is much more straightforward than you might think, and it can add character to a garden and extend your living space. If you have ever wondered how you would even begin to lay your own decking, then this is all you will need to know.

What you will need:

  • Pen and paper (to create a plan of your decking before instalment)
  • Timber
  • Screws
  • Spade
  • Pegs and string
  • Paving slabs
  • Gravel
  • Landscape fabric
  • Rake
  • Saw
  • Spirit level
  • Tape measure
  • Drill


Before beginning, decide on the location of the deck – should it be in the sun or shade, will it be private?

It is important to plan your decking to scale. By doing this, you will avoid any errors or waste when building it. If you are building where an existing patio or concrete base exists there is no need to remove it, use it as a solid foundation.

Once you have your plan, you can begin with marking out your area; use pegs and string to outline where you want your decking and then dig out the turf inside the space, along with around 5cm of soil from the surface area. Ensure the level is even and firm.

To create a structure to follow, place paving slabs in the corners and at the mid points where your bearers (wood supports) will be, including around the edges. Mark the areas around each slab with your spade to show where they will go. You can then remove the slabs and another 2.5cm of soil from the areas, before filling with gravel. Replace your slabs and ensure they are firmly placed and level.

You should now measure out your landscape fabric so that it fits around each slab. This will ensure that you don’t get anything growing underneath the decking in the future. To finish the base, coat in a thick layer of gravel. Ensure the gravel is laid evenly; using a rake will make sure it is level with the top of your slabs.

To build your outer frame, you want to measure and cut using your decking bearers, making sure the frame is sturdy and fully supported. Join your frame together at the corners with two external grade screws (6”), and use a spirit level to ensure the frame is flat and square.

You are now ready to mark and cut your intermediate bearers. Spacing between these should be no more than 500mm and they need to be completely flat. Once they are, you can start adding the decking on top of your frame; make sure you sand the ends of your timber to avoid any sharp or splintered edges. Predrill all your fixtures with a 2mm bit to ensure they stay in place and sit flush with the wood, then fix the board to the bearers with two 64mm screws.

You can keep your boards evenly spaced by using a spare bit of wood; once secured, move your spacer along to the next board. Any overhanging timber can be cut back with a saw. If you wish to create a curved edge, use some string and a pencil to mark the decking, giving you a sharp line to work with.

Finally, add decking boards around the edges to frame and finalize your work. This rounds off the whole effort and keeps it steady. Now you have your very own DIY decking!

To help preserve the wood, you might consider applying an end grain preserver or protector to the cut ends. This will protect the wood from rot and decay and help keep it in good condition for years to come.