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How To Grow Strawberries

Sweet, juicy strawberries are easy to grow at home, and can be planted pretty much anywhere. This makes them a great choice of fruit to plant, and they taste delicious freshly picked.

2 minute read

Choose Your Plants

There are a great many different varieties of strawberry available, and they vary not only in terms of flavour, but also by when they fruit, and how long for. Strawberry plants are sold online, and are also readily available from markets and garden centres. If you can't decide on one variety, you could buy two or three different kinds and plant them together.

Plant in Suitable Containers

Strawberries should be planted between June and September. They grow well in containers like large patio pots, or make a really attractive display in hanging baskets. You could even repurpose old household items; anything deep enough can be used. Fill the container with compost and plant your strawberries so that the crown of the plant is level with the surface. If you have several plants, leave a space of about 35cm between them. Water well and place in a sunny spot.

Care for the Plants

Make sure you keep the plants well-watered, and consider using a plant feed. Fertiliser is available that's specifically for strawberries, but a tomato feed would also be suitable. Feeding the plants every 10 days will help them to thrive and produce more fruit.

Harvest Your Strawberries

 Keep a close eye on your plants once the fruit starts to grow. As soon as the strawberries have turned red, they are ripe and can be picked. Make sure you pick the stalks along with the fruit.

After Harvesting

Keep the plants watered and fed, and remove any old leaves. This keeps the plants healthy by concentrating their energy on new growth.