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Create a Bee-Friendly Garden

Unlike wasps, bees are non-aggressive, are pollinators and are great for the environment and they’re also in danger. Follow our tips to make your garden bee-friendly and give them a happy future.

2 minute read


Filling your garden with plants that are full of pollen and nectar is ideal for bees. Choose shrubberies like roses, lavender, thyme and geraniums to entice bees to your garden – there are thousands to choose from.

Bee Houses

It’s easy to create a home for bees, you just need to be aware of their needs. Bumblebees need a box about the same size as a bird box. It’ll need two compartments: one empty for most of the bees, and the other filled with wood shavings for the queen bee to breed.

Other types of bees need a box filled with pipes, such as bamboo, where they can lay their eggs with a supply of pollen for their young. These are generally Red Mason bees, whilst others prefer to nest in mounds of grass or moss.

Try to place their homes by a flower bed for a good food source and south facing, as bees like to be warm.


Bees need to keep hydrated too! Any water source such as a pond, water feature or bird bath will do the job to keep bees at their best. You’ll have a bee-friendly garden in no time.